September 27, 2006

Notice Regarding Organizational Changes

At the Board of Directors Meeting on September 27, 2006, Sanix Incorporated (Ticker: 4651, TSE/OSE/FSE, President & CEO: Shin-ichi Munemasa) resolved on organizational changes, as follows:

1. Details of Organizational Changes
(1) Establishment of Compliance Department
Aiming to further ensure compliance in conducting its businesses, SANIX will abolish the existing Risk Management Office, and instead establish a Compliance Department with stronger functions. The Compliance Department will emphasize gpreventive actionsh to find potential risks and problems within the company and take improvement measures beforehand by establishing a self-cleansing system with enhanced internal control functions.

Furthermore, the new Department will establish a gCompliance Committee,h comprising the president and other executive officers, which will meet periodically to report on the activities of the Compliance Department and the present status of compliance in SANIX, to provide a companywide compliance system.
It is also planned to form a gCompliance Councilh comprising lawyers and other advisors from outside the Company. This Council will serve as an advisory organization to enhance transparency of the Companyfs operations.

(2) Major tasks of the Compliance Department
- Conducting compliance activities, mainly in sales activities of Home Sanitation Division
- Implementing enlightenment and educational activities on compliance with Educational Department
- Collecting and analyzing risk information, and developing preventive measures
- Collecting risk information by visiting relevant governmental agencies, and taking necessary measures based on the collected information
- Making proper responses to issues revealed through the whistleblower system

2. Date of Change
September 1, 2006

For more information, please contact:
Kozo Inoue, Managing Director